Are you contacting the Data Protection Commission in relation to a concern about a breach of your personal data?

An organisation (Data Controller) has obligations under the GDPR to keep personal data in its possession safe and secure.

Complete this form if you have been notified, or if you believe, that your personal data has been unlawfully accessed, disclosed, altered, lost or destroyed by an organisation.

You should also complete this form if you represent an individual or individuals who have been notified or believe that their personal data has been unlawfully accessed, disclosed, altered, lost or destroyed by an organisation.

If you wish to raise a concern about a different matter, please contact us by selecting the appropriate option from the Contact page

Part One About you

Please enter Your Details

Details about the organisation to which your concern relates:

Part TwoBreach Details

Have you complained to us about this specific matter before? *

Have you received a notification of a breach of your personal data from an organisation?

Have you contacted the organisation about this matter?

If you have contacted the organisation, please remember to attach any correspondence exchanged with it before you submit this form. If you have not contacted the organisation, we recommend that you do so in the first instance, as this may result in the fastest resolution of your concern

Has the organisation provided you with a Data Protection Commission breach reference number?

Please enter any Data Protection Commission breach reference number provided to you in correspondence from the organisation

Has the organisation informed you of the likely consequences?

Has the organisation informed you of the remedial action it is taking?