Preliminary Questions

Are you contacting the Data Protection Commission :

Is your contact about

Does your contact concern personal data?

The matter is outside the remit of this Office

Is your contact about your own personal data?

You are

Note: The Data Protection Commission does not have the power to award compensation. If you wish to bring legal proceedings in relation to a data protection issue, you should seek independent legal advice.

Where you raise a concern with us about an organisation which relates to an alleged infringement of data protection law or your data protection rights, it will be necessary for us to contact the organisation in question and share with it the details of your concern. These details include, at a minimum: your name and any other information which may be necessary so that the organisation can identify you (for example your postal/ email address, customer number etc.); the factual background; and any allegations made by you about infringements of data protection law or your data protection rights.
We usually do this by sharing a copy of your completed webform directly with organisation.
We share these details with the organisation so that:
- We can confirm with the organisation whether your personal data has been or is being processed by that organisation, and so
- The organisation can respond to the concern which has been raised.

In certain circumstances, we may, at our discretion, decide not to share all of the information provided in your webform with the organisation. These circumstances may include where information in the webform is the personal data of another person, or where you have expressly indicated in the webform that you consider certain information you have included to be sensitive and/or confidential and that it should not be provided to the organisation. Please note that this will occur on an exceptional basis only, where we consider that such information is not material to the concern which has been raised by you.

Please select the option that applies to your case:

I would like to

In relation to an existing case with the DPC

Your Details

(You will find this on correspondence issued to you by the DPC)

Your complaint

Have you complained to us about this specific matter before? *

Have you engaged with the organisation?

Please write to the organisation to raise your concerns

Your Details

Details of the organisation about which your concern relates

Security Check

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